Schimmel - The Golden Retriever

Schimmel's Photo

Shcimmel's Bio

Schimmel is a Golden Retirevier from Suncrest Golden Retriver. She was born with 6 other littermates on November 8th, 2020. The breeder loves using special name for the litter so the entire litters were named after antique piano brand. The name Schimmel is from the well known German piano founded by wihelm Schimmel in 1885. We think her name is so cool and unique so we kept her birth name.
Schimmel has a cat like personality. She only cuddles when she wants to. She ejnoys walking her brothers to school and spending time with her daddy. She is not a typical barker but when she gets scared, she barks. She loves food but too much good food will upset her stomach. She is very smart which makes the training very easy for us. She knows all the basic commands and some tricks including shake paws, spin, and high-fives.

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